Boston Marathon 2015

Boston Marathon 2015
Rainy and windy

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Bill Rodgers to run Boston

According to his website, Bill Rodgers plans to run Boston again this year. It would be great fun to pace along in his vicinity for a while in Boston like I did at the Melbourne race, but I have no idea what time or corral they might have him start in.

The training week went reasonably well and now we have some welcome nicer weather. Yesterday's long run was significantly easier than three weeks ago, but part of that was being able to ditch the long pants and a vest after the first ten miles and do the last eleven in just shorts and two long sleeved shirts. What FREEDOM. Prior to the run, after planting my water bottle and gels at the 5/15 mile mark, driving back to the start, I saw a woman ahead of me go down hard on the side of the road, and was able to give her a ride back to her car to clean up her bloodied knee and hand. She seemed mostly annoyed that she had only gotten in 3 miles before the spill but grateful that snow was still abundant for icing while she waited for her husband to get back from his run. Recover quickly, Karen.

Tues 6 miles 8:41 pace In my new Newton "Sir Isaacs" felt good and FAST
Wed 5 miles 8:58 pace 150 HR with the new HR monitor trying to hold it below 150
Thurs 5 miles 9:09 pace 145 HR
Fri 4 miles 8:55 pace 150 HR
Sat 21 miles 9:02 pace 148 HR (caffeinated)

weekly mileage 41

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