Boston Marathon 2015

Boston Marathon 2015
Rainy and windy

Monday, April 5, 2010

Really Tough Week and Peep Tower

Tough week here with the incredibly sad passing of my brother on a rainy Saturday juxtaposed with the Easter family get together on an absolutely gorgeous Sunday. Mary, Jessie, A.J., Brian, John, Liz and Zach. And a player to be named very soon. Eggs were hidden for Zach, beer for the older "kids" and a peeps tower for a centerpiece surrounded by a fine pizza meal. Christine has been amazing, once again.

The running got mostly done.

Tues 4 miles 9:43 pace HR 150
Wed 4 miles 9:02 pace HR 152
Thurs 4 miles 8:26 pace HR 148 Newtons no long pants
7 miles at 8:21 pace HR 152
7 miles at 9:51 pace HR 145
3 miles at 8:22 pace HR 157
Sun 3 miles 9:39 pace HR 141

Weekly Total 32 miles HR 149

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