Boston Marathon 2015

Boston Marathon 2015
Rainy and windy

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Off To Boston

Well, we're about to leave for Boston with no apparent volcano plumes to impend us. It's been a busy week with a group of last little four mile runs more for the brain than the legs, but really nice to run in this warmer weather able to drop more of the clothing and simulate the likely race conditions better. I feel lucky training has been able to be as consistent as it has this cycle. Few runs had to be modified or shifted because of snow, ice and rain, not to mention injury and now I just hope it can all come together reasonably well on "the day".
The weather forecast at the moment for 45-52 degrees and partly cloudy sounds pretty good. If the gusting 40 mph quartering tailwind/crosswind doesn't blow us off the road or dehydrate us too much all should be good.
I head off with the usual amount of trepidation, but a more positive feel than the past two years. Still, this course deserves all kinds of respect. The plan will be to start slowly and build if it's there. Off we go!

Tues 4 miles 8:56 pace HR 150
Wed 4 miles 8:38 pace HR 149
Thurs 4 miles 8:25 pace HR 149
Fri 4 miles 8:48 pace HR 142

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