Boston Marathon 2015

Boston Marathon 2015
Rainy and windy

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Off To Boston

Well, we're about to leave for Boston with no apparent volcano plumes to impend us. It's been a busy week with a group of last little four mile runs more for the brain than the legs, but really nice to run in this warmer weather able to drop more of the clothing and simulate the likely race conditions better. I feel lucky training has been able to be as consistent as it has this cycle. Few runs had to be modified or shifted because of snow, ice and rain, not to mention injury and now I just hope it can all come together reasonably well on "the day".
The weather forecast at the moment for 45-52 degrees and partly cloudy sounds pretty good. If the gusting 40 mph quartering tailwind/crosswind doesn't blow us off the road or dehydrate us too much all should be good.
I head off with the usual amount of trepidation, but a more positive feel than the past two years. Still, this course deserves all kinds of respect. The plan will be to start slowly and build if it's there. Off we go!

Tues 4 miles 8:56 pace HR 150
Wed 4 miles 8:38 pace HR 149
Thurs 4 miles 8:25 pace HR 149
Fri 4 miles 8:48 pace HR 142

Monday, April 12, 2010

Race And Last Long Run

It's been a busy weekend with Annie and Brian in town and baby Leah's arrival. I did manage to get to the Martian 10K in Dearborn on Saturday and was very satisfied with the run. I think I was 3rd in my 60-65 agegroup with a 46:25 at 90% effort or so.
Yesterday was one last time around the lake at Kensington. Very nice at about 50 degrees. Now it's very little addition running this week, heal the niggles up and don't do anything stupid.

Sat 6.2 miles 7:28 pace HR 163
Sun 8 miles 8:24 pace HR 149

Friday, April 9, 2010

Roller Coaster

Publish Post

The emotional roller coaster rocketed up this morning with the birth of Elizabeth's and John's little girl Leah Marie just before 6 AM this morning. Welcome joyfulness. And just in time for Annie and Brian's arrival later today. Liz really knows how to do these things.

Oh, and the running. Four easy miles each on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday dodging raindrops. Wednesday morning at 5 AM it was a muggy 68 degrees (April 7th) and lots of perSPI-RAtion for the first time this training cycle. A skunk encounter fortunately remained odor free.

If everything is good with Liz and the baby, I'm planning to go down to Dearborn tomorrow morning and run the Martian 10K at 85% effort for a last tuneup for Boston.

Tues 4 miles 9:09 pace HR 148
Wed 4 miles 8:50 pace HR 152
Thurs 4 miles 8:59 pace HR 148

Monday, April 5, 2010

Really Tough Week and Peep Tower

Tough week here with the incredibly sad passing of my brother on a rainy Saturday juxtaposed with the Easter family get together on an absolutely gorgeous Sunday. Mary, Jessie, A.J., Brian, John, Liz and Zach. And a player to be named very soon. Eggs were hidden for Zach, beer for the older "kids" and a peeps tower for a centerpiece surrounded by a fine pizza meal. Christine has been amazing, once again.

The running got mostly done.

Tues 4 miles 9:43 pace HR 150
Wed 4 miles 9:02 pace HR 152
Thurs 4 miles 8:26 pace HR 148 Newtons no long pants
7 miles at 8:21 pace HR 152
7 miles at 9:51 pace HR 145
3 miles at 8:22 pace HR 157
Sun 3 miles 9:39 pace HR 141

Weekly Total 32 miles HR 149