Boston Marathon 2015

Boston Marathon 2015
Rainy and windy

Saturday, February 13, 2010

In Need Of Boston Motivation

Having started running about five years ago, my times have steadily improved discounting injury timeouts until just recently. My one great failing until now, alas, has been my inability to break four hours at the Boston Marathon in '08 and '09. Since four hours is the automatic requalifying time for this sixty-two year old male who has managed to best that time in his other three marathons, this has been a frustration. So I'm giving it one more try in two months. Boston 2010, April 19th.
However, with the age clock ticking away and the seemingly unrelenting Michigan winter continuing, I've decided in an effort at additional motivation to begin documenting this final Boston training. So here we go.

Twenty miles today at Kensington Metropark loop. That is to say, two trips out and back on the section of the hike/bike asphalt loop around the lake that they make a valiant attempt to keep clear and dry through the winter. Very tired and struggling by the end, but got 'er done. Eighteen degrees and light winds, good surface. 3:01:45 9:05 pace

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