Boston Marathon 2015

Boston Marathon 2015
Rainy and windy

Friday, February 19, 2010

Bit of Recovery

Last Saturday's twenty miler, the first of this training cycle, was followed by two long miles on Sunday very early to allow for a quick purchase of a dozen roses and back home to celebrate Valentine's Day. Appropriately, maybe, went to see the movie Valentine's Day in the late morning. Mildly entertaining stuff. Only came close to falling asleep the one time.

Tues AM 6 Miles 23 degrees light snow covering 9:18 pace
actually passed a guy walking at 6:00 I think I blinded him inadvertently with my headlight from the tone in his voice as he muttered "good morning"

Wed AM 6 Miles 22 degrees light snow covering 9:08 pace

Thurs AM 5 Miles 30 degrees no snow and warmer, 8:54 pace able to shed a layer which felt great

Fri watching, or maybe being watched by Zach His grandmother Chris notes his personality development, as most toddlers, into that of a South American dictator

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