Boston Marathon 2015

Boston Marathon 2015
Rainy and windy

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Civilized Weather Weekend

Lucky weather for the weekend runs. As warm as it has been in a long time. Lots of people at Kensington yesterday and one deer bounding in front of me across the path even a good two hours after sunrise. My pace is slow compared to a year ago, but the main goal still is to try to avoid injury as I up the milage. I HAVE been using my heartrate monitor to help slow me down, but it died a couple of weeks ago and yesterday's new battery has failed to revive life. So I've ordered a new one to get a gauge on things again along with new socks to replace the now holy ones Austin gave me awhile back. Off to visit brother Scott.

Sat 13 miles 20-27 degrees dry 8:58 pace

Sun 6 miles 32 degrees dry 8:43 pace 36 miles for the week

Friday, February 19, 2010

Not related to running, but we lucked into witnessing the last nighttime launch of the Space Shuttle the morning after the Melbourne Masters race in Fl a couple of weeks ago. And these were pictures we took from 20-25 miles away!

Bit of Recovery

Last Saturday's twenty miler, the first of this training cycle, was followed by two long miles on Sunday very early to allow for a quick purchase of a dozen roses and back home to celebrate Valentine's Day. Appropriately, maybe, went to see the movie Valentine's Day in the late morning. Mildly entertaining stuff. Only came close to falling asleep the one time.

Tues AM 6 Miles 23 degrees light snow covering 9:18 pace
actually passed a guy walking at 6:00 I think I blinded him inadvertently with my headlight from the tone in his voice as he muttered "good morning"

Wed AM 6 Miles 22 degrees light snow covering 9:08 pace

Thurs AM 5 Miles 30 degrees no snow and warmer, 8:54 pace able to shed a layer which felt great

Fri watching, or maybe being watched by Zach His grandmother Chris notes his personality development, as most toddlers, into that of a South American dictator

Saturday, February 13, 2010

In Need Of Boston Motivation

Having started running about five years ago, my times have steadily improved discounting injury timeouts until just recently. My one great failing until now, alas, has been my inability to break four hours at the Boston Marathon in '08 and '09. Since four hours is the automatic requalifying time for this sixty-two year old male who has managed to best that time in his other three marathons, this has been a frustration. So I'm giving it one more try in two months. Boston 2010, April 19th.
However, with the age clock ticking away and the seemingly unrelenting Michigan winter continuing, I've decided in an effort at additional motivation to begin documenting this final Boston training. So here we go.

Twenty miles today at Kensington Metropark loop. That is to say, two trips out and back on the section of the hike/bike asphalt loop around the lake that they make a valiant attempt to keep clear and dry through the winter. Very tired and struggling by the end, but got 'er done. Eighteen degrees and light winds, good surface. 3:01:45 9:05 pace