Boston Marathon 2015

Boston Marathon 2015
Rainy and windy

Sunday, August 22, 2010

A First And A Third

It was a busy and exhausting week. Wednesday, I competed in the last of the three Running Fit triathlons at Island Lake (the T Rex). Zach now has an inflatable dino bigger than he is swiped by his Nonnie (with permission). After third and second place finishes in my age group in the first two races of the series, I managed a first in this one by passing the guy I needed to beat in the last quarter mile of the run just before the finish. It helped that he was slower than his times in the first two races. Still, very satisfying... So much so that I immediately signed up for another sprint tri scheduled in the same park for this morning (Sunday). Well----- this was a bit overly ambitious, especially since the marathon training schedule meant that I had just run an eighteen miler yesterday at Kensington. My body had no idea what my brain had decided and I was thoroughly humbled by fatigue this morning, six minutes slower than Wednesday, and was extremely fortunate to take third out of the eleven in my age group. I did, however, carry a bottle of wine home as a reward.

The body is spent. Day of physical rest tomorrow. Well, maybe a walk.

The Crim Ten Mile Race in one week. With no speedwork in a long time, it looks to be relatively easy but slow.

34 miles of running for the week, mostly warm and humid HR 151 two sprint tri races

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Training in the Rainforest

I'll spare the details, but I had a colonoscopy test today. Let's just say that the gut pains I've had at Boston the past years were good practice for all the gas pain after the deal today. Once again, running has it's benefits. Chris was great to be my chauffeur and personal nurse.

Slacked off and didn't do my scheduled run this morning, just an early mile on the bike in the neighborhood before the porcelain throne beakoned me back home in haste.

In general training has been going well. No significant injuries, a couple of bricks, a fifteen miler last weekend and some swimming at the cottage this past week thrown in. There have been no races to gauge myself by, but the third of the Running Fit tri's is a week from today on the 18th and then the Crim ten mile race in Flint ten or eleven days after that.

My niece Laura's wedding is this weekend, however, and training will take a backseat to family as all the kids come in for the doins. Should be great fun.

Miles last week 30
Two swims
One brick 12.7 mi bike 3.1 mile run